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We are almost at the end of January and I still can’t help noticing the gaps left around the house which were once awash with Christmas decorations. I’m not suggesting to fill them all but a few carefully chosen flowers here and there definitely makes...

There’s a chill in the air, the nights are drawing in and my summer garden flowers are beginning to fade. Not only were these blooms great for my floral foraging but they provided a welcome source of nectar for insects. Autumn is officially here but...

Launched this month by Oxfam, #secondhandseptember is a pledge that encourages us to say no to new for 30 days. It is hoped it will form the basis for longer term changes in our buying habits. Buying vintage and preloved pieces from a charity shop...

I remember vividly the first time I ate flowers in food. Lavender shortbread, they were delicious and I was intrigued. Flower and food fusions are popping up everywhere, as pretty petals are plucked for their subtle flavours and vivid colourings. Specialist growers are seeing a huge...

This is the perfect space to share my love of flowers. They play a key role in life’s special moments and help us to express tenderness at times of sadness. They have inspired painters, adorned fabrics for centuries and featured as the top notes in...